obscure_blues (obscure_blues) wrote in bloodclaim,

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First of all, I hail thee great and most shiny writers out there, I soo admire all of you so much for being able to put words together to create such wonders...

And the 2nd, I hope you all forgive me if this is fubar, but I`m in need of some major rec`ing from you all. I`m desperate and in deep depressed mode - could someone please,please rec me some fic`s.
I think I`v read like everything - but surely NOT..
Long, big stories/series are my favorites.

any of these pairings;
* xangel/us
* Xander/Ri
* Spander
* crossover`s as long as it is slashing Xander

Thank You`s for any help recs given......


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