Title: Murder at the Neptune Express
Author: cordelianne
Chapter: 4/8
Pairing: Spike/Xander, Logan/Weevil (eventually)
Rating: R
Word Count: 957
Feedback: Yes please! Concrit is very welcome by email.
Disclaimer: Sadly not mine, Joss and Rob Thomas own them.
Summary: This is set in the summer of 2005, after season one of Veronica Mars and 2 years after BtVS ended (one year after AtS ended).
Spike and Xander are a couple when the story starts and are both working with Buffy, Giles and the other slayers and watchers, etc. They go to Neptune to investigate some suspicious reports.
A/N: Thanks to the completely awesome and wonderful savoytruffle and spookymonkey for the invaluable betas. Any mistakes are mine.
BtVS/VM FIC: Murder at the Neptune Express (Spike/Xander & Logan/Weevil, R, 4/8)
For previous chapters go here.