Debris K. (debris_k) wrote in bloodclaim,
Debris K.

announcing a new(ish) archive, tSFAMA

Hear yee, hear yee! Come one, come all and visit the brand new *cough*beenupsinceaugust*cough* --->
The Spander Files Automated Mirror Archive! Completely affiliated to The -Original- Spander Files, it's made to help it out in fact. I made this archive with the idea of giving authors a place to upload (and link to) their stories themselves, without any annoying ads or pop-ups, and making readers' story searches faster and easier.

The archive accepts all manners of Spander stories (even unrequited and Spander/other(s) pairings), so if you have a story you'd like to share please do. Among the archive's many functions is also the neat little option of only archiving a link to your story, in case you're not feeling up to sharing your treasure more than that. If you have any questions feel free to contact me.

It only took me since this summer to clean it all up so it functions properly (I hope!), and there's only a handful of stories posted there so far but I hope it'll prove to be useful for the Spander fandom in the future. Those of you who are regulars to The -Original- Spander Files probably know it already, but now that I've finalized it I thought it would be a good a time as any to spread the word. Big thanks go to laazikaat for letting me do this in the first place. *hugs*

Now come come, look at the pretty boys' antics in the new setting. *ushers you over gently*

As I'm only a member of Bloodclaim if you'd be so kind as to spread the word around I'd be very grateful.

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