Author: EntreNous (entrenous88
Title: Cuddly Predators
Pairing: Spike/Xander (some Xander/omc); Anya/Giles
Rating: PG-13
Feedback: Yes, please. Concrit welcome via email.
Disclaimer & Distribution Info Found Here
Summary: Xander gets a kitten, and suddenly Spike seems to have a lot more interest in him.
Previous Parts: Find earlier parts of Cuddly Predators here.
AN: Continued as part of my participation in the Finish-A-Thon. Parts 5 + 6 + 7 + 8 = 6,120/10,000 agreed on for the 'thon. Individual word counts for each part are 1,246; 1,706; 1,388; and 1,780.
AN2: For margarks.
( Part 5 )
( Part 6 )
( Part 7 )
( Part 8 )