Rated: Adultish for bad language and vampire sex and violence
They're not mine. If they were, I'd be telling you where to buy the DVDs of the televised versions of these stories.
Here there be fic
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Title: From Out of the Darkness 2/9 Author: Forsaken2003 Pairing: S/X Rating: R Disclaimer: I own none, all belong to Joss Whedon Comments:…
Title: From Out of the Darkness 1/9 Author: Forsaken2003 Pairing: S/X Rating: R Disclaimer: I own none, all belong to Joss Whedon Comments: Always…
Title: Christmas Movie or Not? Author: Forsaken2003 Pairing: S/X Rating: R Disclaimer: I own none, all belong to Joss Whedon Comments: Always…