Nash (nashmaveric) wrote in bloodclaim,

Fic: Battle (Time After Time Series, Story 6, Part D)

Title: Battle (Time After Time Series, Story 6, Part D)
Co-Author: Cas (virtualpersonal) and Nash (nashmaveric)
Fandom: BtVS
Pairing: Spike/Xander
Rating: Adult Rated
Characters: Not ours, Joss' – we're just playin' with 'em
Concrits: welcome in comments

A/N: "Time After Time" an episodic series, released once in a while, whenever the muse takes us. Spike and Xander are soul mates, and they’ve met time and again in past lives. Each episode will contain a full story/flashback to at least one past life together, as told by newly ensouled Spike. Each episode will be completely different. Sometimes they will be human, sometimes one or both will be vamps, etc... When we start posting an episode, that whole episode will be posted fairly quickly so there will be no big time gaps in the middle of a story. The time gaps will be between full stories/episodes. If and when there are character deaths, it will be in the past life only, not current life where they are talking/exploring the past.

Wherein we get to see the conclusion

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