savoy truffle (savoytruffle) wrote in bloodclaim,
savoy truffle

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FIC: English as a Foreign Language, part 5 of 5 (Mature)

Author: savoytruffle (carrying on from eliade)
Title: English as a Foreign Language
Chapter: 5 of 5       
Pairing: Spike/Xander
Rating: Mature Readers       
Disclaimer: I do not own any of the characters or even the scenario, which came from Eliade       
Summary: Season 2 high school human AU with a twist. Buffy's still the slayer, Sunnydale's still the hellmouth, but Spike happens to be Giles' human son just arrived in California.      

Notes: This story is an authorized continuation of something eliade started but did not finish. Her portion constitutes the first chapter of the story. The other four chapters are mine.Thanks to everyone who has read and commented along the way. Thanks to cordelianne for the beta.        

The 5th and Final Part

(Or all five parts in memories.)

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