Title: A Vampire's Embrace
Chapter: Part Five
Pairing: S/OC, X/OC, S/OC/X, OC/Oz and more (implied and explicit)
Rating: PG to start, NC-17 later
Feedback: Welcome, Wanted, Needed, Desired....yeah, I'm an attention whore
Concrit: In email/comments/any other way you can think of
Disclaimer: I don't own anybody but my original characters. The folks from BtVS and AtS belong to Joss Whedon and their creators. I didn't make a red cent from this writing. No worries, I'm just playing with them.
Warning/Squicks: AU, some Buffy-bashing, character death, hot mansex, hotter mansex, maybe some hetero (if I can do it and not get the shiveries), angst, heavy breathing, smut, foul language, mayhem, hedonism, blasphemy, communism (umm, ignore that), and all kinds of things Mom wouldn't approve of
Summary: Bored Vampire Warlocks, Horny Guys, Demon warfare, Horny chicks (don't worry, not near our boys), and general Hellmouth hijinks
Previous Pieces: Here
Author's Notes: Here goes the beginning of the vote result chapters. I do include a song here but this isn't a song fic so no worries. Things are gonna heat up from here, so take heart all you folks perturbed by how slow things are moving. Umm, anything else, see the aforementioned "it's my party and I'll change canon if I want too" line.
Not beta'ed.