The earlier chapters (prologue, chapter one) can be found in my memories, here. As there's been quite a gap in posts, I recommend re-reading. Updates should be more regular, barring another family tragedy (knock on wood).
Title: Never, Already, Not Yet
Series: none
Author: JeansVenus
Archive/Distribution: *incredulous cough* Ah, if you want it...sure, ask me. Otherwise, bloodclaim, my journal, and my personal Yahoo! group
Story Summary: The Powers That Be screwed up badly with Sunnydale. Xander's sent back to the crux without memories of the future.
Chapter Summary: Xander thinks about how bizarre the whole situation is and ducks questions from Willow. Spike and Drusilla are spotted...
Warnings: Some profanity, slash in future chapters.
Rating: FRT this chapter, FRM overall
Disclaimer: If I owned the Buffyverse, I wouldn't be freaking out about paying my college tuition.
Chapter Two