windandsummer (windandsummer) wrote in bloodclaim,

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Fic Search

Hey everyone,

while trying to come up with the answer to another fic search geek_girl33 left the fallowing description for a story. It sounded so good, I'm posting the description here in hopes that someone knows what it is so everyone can read it thanks so much XD!!~Bee

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Hey everyone,

while trying to come up with the answer to another fic search geek_girl33 left the fallowing description for a story. It sounded so good, I'm posting the description here in hopes that someone knows what it is so everyone can read it thanks so much XD!!~Bee

<The one I'm thinking of is essentially a rewrite of the season. With Xander instead of Buffy. It's Xander and Spike who are involved, though Xander isn't ready to have sex, so Spike is pretty frustrated. Then it's Xander who Spike almost rapes and, consequently, Xander he gets his soul for. The scoobs are not happy when Xander takes him back.>

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