allyndra (allyndra) wrote in bloodclaim,

Fic: 5 Things Suki Blue's Fandoms Have in Common by Allyndra (pg)

Title: 5 Things Suki Blue’s Fandoms Have in Common
Author: Allyndra
Fandoms: BtVS, Harry Potter, Stargate Atlantis
Pairings: Spike/Xander, Harry/Draco, Ron/Hermione, McKay/Sheppard,
Rating: PG?
Spoilers: Chosen for BtVS, Deathly Hallows for Harry Potter, Reunion for Atlantis
Disclaimer: None of these characters nor their worlds belong to me.

Summary: There are themes that recur in Stargate Atlantis, Buffy the Vampire Slayer, and Harry Potter. This is a drabble collection utilizing some of them. Written for suki_blue's birthday.

5 Things Suki Blue's Fandoms Have in Common

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