Sky (silkensky) wrote in bloodclaim,

Fic Recommendations and New Story

So I am about to write my very last exam of the semester, which I have been studying my ass off for, with very little time for fic reading. *sad face* So if you could recommend me some good long fics, I can completely vege for the next two or three days, which, obviously, is of the good.

So, Spander, obviously, though other pairings are fine, just no Spike/Angel, Xander/Giles, and no Angelus or vamp!Xander
Angst is all well and good, but I love my happy endings. They make me warm and gooshy inside in a way that real life just doesn't.
And if you can find a good hurt/comfort or human AU that I haven't read yet, I will love you forever. Which involves cookies for you.

To appease the fic recommending goddesses (that would be you), I bring to you the first installment of a human AU I am working on. Feedback would be super, so I can figure out where to put the next chapter on my priority list.

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