It's the things we don't do we regret. - Stillrose (stillrose) wrote in bloodclaim,
It's the things we don't do we regret. - Stillrose

Desert Ice (18/?)

Title:Desert Ice (18/?)
Fandom: BTVS;  Wylham/Xandir (Spike/Xander)
Warnings: Slash, AU, violence, non-con, slavery,
Summary: Prince Wylham is strong and valiant warrior from the Northern lands who has been exiled and sentenced to slavery into the Southern lands due to the machinations of his stepmother. Xandir is a gentle Mage of the Hard elements seeking a way to help defend his family’s Hold against a rising desert tyrant. The two men’s destinies become one in a slave market.

As always: Feedback makes my heart go pitter-patter.

Finally! Had a good weekend. Not as much time to write as I thought I might. Then babysat yesterday (saved the nephew from parent band again).



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