it only burns when I breathe (spikedluv) wrote in bloodclaim,
it only burns when I breathe

FIC: BtVS/SPN: The Hellmouth Ain't No Place to Start a Family Spike/Xander, Sam/Dean NC17 (2/2)

Title: The Hellmouth Ain’t No Place to Start a Family (2/2)
Author: Spikedluv
Fandom: BtVS/SPN
Rating: NC17/Slash
Pairing: Spike/Xander (Sam/Dean; Willow/Bela implied)
Length: 5,225 words
Spoilers: Post-Chosen; post-Jus in Bello.
Summary: A powerful artifact is stolen from Watcher’s Council Headquarters in London and Willow calls on Spike and Xander for help retrieving it.
Notes: Written for spring_with_xan. Title stolen from Journey, sorta.

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