Author: vinniebatman
Rating: Um, older teen for cursing and one really terrible innuendo?
Pairing: Spike/Xander
Warnings: Slash, and I use the word "erection" once. Oh, and some curse words. That's about it.
Spoilers: Through season 7 of Buffy and season 5 of Angel. Oh, and the comics? Not in my universe.
Summary: Even after he got a soul, Spike stole things, but these ones were a bit different. Ended up a bit schmaltzy and angsty, but it's what came out.
Disclaimer: I hired a pack of ninjas to kidnap Joss; he was threatened with hot poker torture and chainsaws so I could meet the real him. I now own all. Thank you. *Doctor's Note: Patient exhibits delusions of grandeur and any claims of ownership are pure fantasy. No harm is meant. Seriously, it's better than her throwing rocks at people.*
Beta: At some point.
Prompt: None. Written for fall_for_sx.
Story is hiding HERE.