Christina P. aka tinabinna666 (tinabinna666) wrote in bloodclaim,
Christina P. aka tinabinna666

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Hunt for an illusive fanfic

I'm searching for a fic read once long ago, which I unfortunately only have a couple of specific memories of. It was spander of course, don't remember when it set season wise. In it Spike kidnaps/owns/claims? Xander and they move into this underground bunker that a useful minion Spike kept around found. Also Drusilla is with them and still sick and not eating well. The other part I remember is that Xander help take carte of Dru, they watch movies and play games together and he gets her to eat by putting blood in hot chocolate. Theres also a bit about Spike and the handy minion going on a looting spree.

I appreciate any and all help ^_^

Found: Black Velvet by D'Nalia

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