Goes "Ding" When There's Stuff (suki_blue) wrote in bloodclaim,
Goes "Ding" When There's Stuff

Grief Counseling --- The Untitled Sequel -- 1/7

Title: Untitled, because I can't think of anything suitable. Suggestions most welcome at any time.
Fandom: BTVS
Pairing: Spike/Xander
Author: suki_blue
Rating: NC-17 for smut, language and violence.
Summary: The Hellmouth has been quiet while Spike and Xander rebuild their lives, but after two local sisters disappear from their graves in unvampish circumstances, things rapidly go from mildly disconcerting to apocalypse in just 12 days. And the enemy? They're angry, they're in agony, they're everywhere, and they're deader than Spike and Angel put together.

Beta'd by the fantabulastic kitty_poker1. Thank you, hon!

Also mucho thanks to my wonderful partner in fic-related crime, amejisuto, for all her help, and to my darling literati for giving me a big nudge to write this sequel and for re-designing the community with a new look complete with banner and icons and for re-reading the original fic TWICE and providing me with a page full of notes and pointers to keep me on track because I couldn't remember most of what Ame and I had written.

Chapter 1

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