Maz (thismaz) wrote in bloodclaim,

Bewitched, Chapter 15

Title: Bewitched, Chapter 15
Pairing: S/X. I promise it will get back there... eventually.
Rating: This chapter PG-13
Summary: When Valentine's Day arrives, Dru dips her finger in the brew and gives it a stir.
Word Count: 2,200
Betaed by sparrow2000 and DJ, for which, many thanks. Thanks also to Sparrow for her help, conflabbing on plot twists and forms.
Comments: Are greatly appreciated, loved and cherished.
Disclaimer: here.

Prologue here, with a link to the other chapters, or you can find the whole thing, in reverse order, in tags, or in the correct order, in memories. There's a menu of links on the right hand side of my main journal page.

Bewitched, Chapter 15 in my LJ

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