off_suit (off_suit) wrote in bloodclaim,


So I have a bit of an interesting request, and I'm hoping it's allowed.

Basically I've read just about as much Spander as I can find, and I seem to keep coming up with the same ones whenever I look through different archives etc. What I was hoping to get from all you lovely people, was your favourite Spander fics. I prefer really long fics (as in 30,000+ words), however if it's short and you think it's good, I'll read it.

Self promote, pimp your friends, I don't mind, I'd just like to know what you guys think are some of the best fics out there, after all, you're the ones who read them.

So pretty please with sugar on top, let me know who you think are the amazing writers and the best stories (with links if possible because you're all just that awesome).

Thank you!

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