deadlynight27 (deadlynight27) wrote in bloodclaim,

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Flight of the Scoobies 1/10 & 2/10

Pairing: Spike/Xander (well, duh)

Rating: NC-17

Warnings: Unbeta'd, m/m, hinting at f/f, mentions of Anya/Xander, language, spanking...maybe a few other nasties that I can't think of at the moment.

Summary: After Buffy’s death, the Scoobies must carry on her legacy. But what happens when a vampire falls for one of them?

Notes: Sunnydale is still standing, Xander still has both eyes and Tara and Anya didn't die. Also, Willow has control of her magic.

Please: If you read can you comment? I like knowing people are reading my fic. And it'll inspire me to make a sequel!

Chapter 1 here

Chapter 2 here

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