~Alice~ (vinniebatman) wrote in bloodclaim,

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Fic: Botched Spell, Part 5, Final Part, Adult

Title: Botched Spell, Part 5
Author’s: cinderella81 and batmanvinnie
Rating: Adult for smutty good times.
Pairings: Spike/Xander, Giles/Ethan, Tara/Willow, and Anya/Suprise.
Disclaimer: We are not Joss Whedon, we are not Mutant Enemy. We don’t own these characters and make no profit from this story. Spoilers: Takes place after “Buffy vs. Dracula” in season 5.   According to canon, Xander worked on that one construction job in the episode “Pangs” in season four. A few episodes later he was delivering pizza, then worked fast food again, before returning to construction, but assumes Xander didn’t start working construction until sometime in season 5, before episode 3, “The Replacement.” So this may be fudging the timeline a wee bit, but please bear with us.
Beta: Many thanks to anxiety_junkie.  Thank you darling!
Summary: Buffy casts a spell to create understanding between Spike and Xander. But it’s the Hellmouth, so of course something wonky happens.
Feedback: Please read and review! Constructive criticism welcome!
Author's Note:  So, cinderella81's brain has been taken over by Smallville, and no longer had the inspiration for this story.  However, I decided I'd go ahead and finish this, and I apologize for taking so darn long on it. ~Alice~
Previous Chapters Live Here

* * * * * * * *
Happy Ending (In More Than One Way) HERE

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