spanderlvr - Reader of Slash (spanderlvr) wrote in bloodclaim,
spanderlvr - Reader of Slash

Fic Search - FOUND!

Okay, I may be insane but I remember bit of a story I'd like to read again. It involved Spike and Xander and an original character named kat. She knew spike from long ago. She was some sort of power. She had a human lover named thomas I think and angelus killed him back in the scourge days. She also had a lover named cassie more recently that had died. Xander figures out eventually that cassie is short for cassandra and was a famous painter that he likes quite a bit.

Is any of this sounding familiar to anyone?

Thanks in advance!

Mystery solved! It's "Back with me" by Alexandria and can be found here.

Thanks so much, it was driving me nuts, ya'll are the best!

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