Title: Unfinished
Chapter: Two
Pairing: Spike/Xander
Summary: Sometime's it's not the monsters in the dark you have to be afraid of.
Warnings: Mentions of abuse, rape, torture, and all things nasty.
Number 13 of the Spander FanFic Request List
Title: Inappropriate Favour Author: Forsaken2003 Pairing: S/X Rating: R Disclaimer: I own none, all belong to Joss Whedon Comments: Always welcomed!…
Title: Sweltering Heat Author: Forsaken2003 Pairing: S/X Rating: PG Disclaimer: I own none, all belong to Joss Whedon Comments: Always welcomed!…
Title: Soft and Cute Author: Forsaken2003 Pairing: S/X Rating: PG Disclaimer: I own none, all belong to Joss Whedon Comments: Always welcomed!…