naughty_fae (naughty_fae) wrote in bloodclaim,

Brown Eyed Boy

Title: Brown Eyed Boy (S/X adaptation of the movie Pretty Woman.)

Warnings: HAU, M/M sex (throughout), angst, fluff/humor, vague mentions of drug abuse, mild violence, swearing OOC, prostitution, varying chapter lengths. Some use of actual movie dialogue, Sunnydale characters have been used here but they are definitely NOT in their Sunnydale personas.
Unbeta'd: All free range boo boos are mine and should be left unmolested.
Rating: NC17
Pairing: 100% S/X (With brief, vague mentions of homosexual relationships, pre Spander)
Status: COMPLETE. Posted in 30 parts + Epilogue
Author: Naughty_Fae
Comments: Comment if you want to, though it would be nice to know someone is reading it.
Disclaimer: I own nothing, everything belongs to someone who is not me. I write for fun not profit.
Distribution: My LJ

My heartfelt thanks to my dear friend Bmblbee for her pre-reading & support in the writing of this story.

A/N: This story is FICTION I do not wish to glorify or support the lifestyles depicted in it. It was written for pleasure and posted for entertainment purposes only.

Link to previous chapters HERE

Summary: William Foster is a billionaire businessman in LA for a week to close a deal to take over the ailing Rayne Industries. When his boyfriend lets him down, he finds himself without a partner to attend a number of high powered, social functions. A chance meeting causes him to find a unique solution.

Chapter 20/30

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