Warnings: HAU, OCC, Male prostitution, casual drug use, M/M sex, mentions BDSM, adult themes, abuse, murder (not main characters), plot driven and there is little actual graphic sex. BTVs characters are used for familiarity but are NOT in their Sunnydale personas. If you recognize snippets of dialogue, they're from the movie.
Unbeta'd: All free range boo boos are mine and should be left unmolested.
Rating: NC17 overall.
Pairing: S/X With brief mentions of William/OC. (William=A human incarnation of SPIKE not BTVS William.)
Status: COMPLETE and posted daily. 18 Chapters + Epilogue Approx. 28,000 words. Varying chapter lengths.
Author: Naughty_Fae
Comments: Comment if you want to, though it would be nice to know someone is reading it.
Disclaimer: I own nothing, everything belongs to someone who is not me. I write for fun not profit.
My heartfelt thanks to my dear friend Bmblbee for her pre-reading & support in the writing of this story.
Distribution: My LJ
Summary: William is a high class Gay, male prostitute living and working in Beverly Hills. His clients are rich and powerful older men with families and reputations to lose. When he is framed for murder he finds out just who his friends are.
Chapter 1/18+Epilogue