Author: BmblBee
Rating: NC17
Paring: Spike/Xander
Disclaimer: The Bee owns none of the characters or products named in this story
and makes no profit from it.
Author's note: The Bee does not claim to be an expert in the Viet Nam war, nor
in the symptoms or treatment of PTSS.
Warning: Angst. Misery. Mentions of war and all bad things that come with war.
Strong language and sexual M/M content.
Summary: HAU. This is the third and final installment in the Hang Ten trilogy. It
is three years from the summer of 1965 and two years since Xander was drafted
into the Army. When he returns, he is damaged both physically and emotionally
and it is up to Spike to try and reach him and give him back his life.
Special thanks to Naughty_Fae for the encouragement and to Silk_ Labyrinth for the
spelling and punctuation beta. Any other errors are on the Bee.
Link to previous chapters HERE
Chapter 33