whichclothes (whichclothes) wrote in bloodclaim,

Memento Mori: Hominem Te Memento (6/12)

Title: Memento Mori: Hominem Te Memento 
Author: whichclothes 
Chapter:: 6 of 12
Pairing: Xander/William
Rating: NC-17
Disclaimer: I'm not Joss
Summary:  In order to save the world, Xander must travel back in time and make sure that William becomes Spike.
AN: Written for [info]fall_for_sx  and incorporating the [info]50kinkyways  prompt "virgin" and the [info]angst_bingo  prompt "betrayal." I'll be posting several chapters a day between now and November 8, and there will be notes at the end.

Many thanks to [info]sentine  for the gorgeous banner and matching icon, to [info]silk_labyrinth  for the wonderful beta work, and to [info]lil_coyote  for even more great icons!

Previous chapters here.

Xander.... )

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