I'm trying to find a story that takes place immediately after Glory is destroyed. All I can remember is one scene. I think it might even have been the opening scene. Buffy's dead, Spike is severely injured, and I think Willow is in shock. Xander begins gathering everyone together, including Spike, to get them home.
Uh, just remembered that Xan makes a marker for Buffy's grave, which is out in Breaker's Woods, because they don't want anyone to find out the Slayer is dead.
Help, please? And thanks. I know someone here will answer this, probably before I can get back to the computer. :)
ETA: Thanks for the help, everyone. I guess I mixed up some storylines, but the one I was looking for was Reassembling by Texanfan. http://spanderfiles.com/arvs/texanfan/reassembling01.html