TJ (zowiebwalker) wrote in bloodclaim,

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The Sound Of Drums 5B-expanded and revised

Title: The Sound Of Drums 5B/?
Author: zowiebwalker 
Pairing: S/X, other pairings might or might not be
Rating: R...language
Beta: emelye_miller who rules all of time and space
Disclaimer: Not Joss or Mr. Davies or anyone important, just a little weird. The title belongs to Doctor Who-Series 3, episode 12.
Warnings: EAU-extreme alternate universe, character death-sorta, Time Lords, crazy plotline
Summary: Spike needed a miracle. He got one in the form of Xander and The Doctor.
A/N: So, I watched four series of Doctor Who in one week and thought: What if the W&H battle actually mattered to the Time War. And what if one of the Scoobies was a Time Lord, not like the Master or the Doctor. Also, Radiohead's "Airbag" convinced me to try and see what I could come up with.

5B revised

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