whichclothes (whichclothes) wrote in bloodclaim,

Alliances (2/4)

Title: Alliances
Author:  whichclothes  
Chapter: 2
of 4
Pairing: Spike/Xander
Rating: NC-17
Disclaimer: I'm not Joss 
Warnings: a little non-con and torture and general darkness, especially at the beginning 
Summary: For [info]dragonyphoenix , who wanted some Wishverse Spander. Just before the Master's machine is complete, and after Willow and Xander have become vampires, Spike shows up in Sunnydale.
 Notes: This fic is complete and I'll post a chapter a day. Incorporates the [info]50kinkyways  prompt "biting." Many thanks to [info]silk_labyrinth  for beta-ing!

Previous chapters here.

They ended up at Xander’s parents’ house.... )


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