Psychos in Love is my Catnip! (skargasm) wrote in bloodclaim,
Psychos in Love is my Catnip!

Arresting Misconceptions ~ Spike/Xander ~ s7even ~ NC17

Title: Arresting Misconceptions
Rating: NC17
Pairing(s): Spike/Xander
Warning(s): N/A
Beta(s): From this chapter, unbeta'd but proofread
Prompt(s): lover100 prompt #060 : control and angst_bingo prompt : seduction
Chapter : 7
Master!post : Master!post
Disclaimer: Any original characters are my own. Many of the Scoobies and the Fang Gang will appear but they will not be as they were in the show. Any mentions of drugs/unsafe sex should not be viewed as me condoning or advertising this behaviour - this is fiction, in the real world take precautions, be safe and sensible.
Summary: Xander Harris is blackmailed into selling drugs at his High School. William Jeffers is the undercover detective sent in to crack the drug-ring and bring the culprits to justice. Despite abhorring what they believe the other is involved in, they cannot deny or fight the attraction that builds between them.
Graphics: Header banner created by the beautiful blondebitz - 600x386px
Warning :Seriously NC17 – some people might be a little squicked. You have been warned.

With a cry, he held himself deep and came, neck arched backwards and teeth gritted.

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