skuzzbopper (skuzzbopper) wrote in bloodclaim,

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Apart [S/X, Rated R, Parts 1-4 of 4]

Title: Apart

Author: Skuzzbopper

Pairing: Spike/Xander

Rating: R

Parts: 4 (Complete)

Summary: Annoyed with Spike and Xander’s constant bickering, Willow uses a spell to separate the two. But it turns out the boys need each other more than they ever thought they did.

Warnings: Sexual content, Alcoholic!Xander

Disclaimer: I don’t own these characters, and I make no profit from this story.

A/N: Takes place after Spike slept with Anya, but according to my muses, Anya left after that. Don’t know what happened to her. She’s just not in the story.


Chapter One

Chapter Two

Chapter Three

Chapter Four

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