akasakasan (akasakasan) wrote in bloodclaim,

The Pain of Being Alone 5/?

Title: The Pain of Being Alone 5/?
Fandom: BTVS 
Pairing: Eventually Spike/Xander
Prompt: 260- midsummer madness-tamingthemuse 
Warnings for this chapter: None
Rating: PG
Wordcount: ~1,216 words
Disclaimer: Unfortunately the characters are only mine in my dreams.

Summary: It's the summer holidays and Buffy's gone to LA with her father. Xander's bored and lonely and bumps into Spike who's facing a similar predicament. Suddenly, Xander's holidays become a whole lot more lively.

Comments are loved and appreciated. Whether you love it or you hate it feel free to let me know.

Spike had been gone for what felt like hours. Without any means for Xander to occupy himself, time slowed down to a crawl and every second that leisurely trickled by felt unbearable


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