bmblbee (bmblbee) wrote in bloodclaim,

A Redneck Misdemeanor

Title: Redneck Misdemeanor
Author: BmblBee
Paring: Spander
Rating: NC17
Genre: HAU
Warnings: Adult language. M/M sexual activity

Summary: Spike is a famous author with a fast new sports car he is driving across
the flat-lands of the American Southwest enroute to a book signing in San Antonio.
Xander is a lawman in the very small town of Trail Pass, Texas. When Spike
exceeds the speed limit, he and Xander cross paths and Spike gets more than a ticket.

Thanks to Petxnd for the preread and the lovely banner.

Link to previous chapters HERE

Chapter 12

  • From Out of the Darkness 6/9

    Title: From Out of the Darkness 6/9 Author: Forsaken2003 Pairing: S/X Rating: R Disclaimer: I own none, all belong to Joss Whedon Comments:…

  • From Out of the Darkness 5/9

    Title: From Out of the Darkness 5/9 Author: Forsaken2003 Pairing: S/X Rating: R Disclaimer: I own none, all belong to Joss Whedon Comments:…

  • From Out of the Darkness 4/9

    Title: From Out of the Darkness 4/9 Author: Forsaken2003 Pairing: S/X Rating: R Disclaimer: I own none, all belong to Joss Whedon Comments:…

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