Warnings: HAU/Historical Roman Adventure, graphic violence, bad language, slavery. OOC. Very little M/M sex, but it is graphic. Brief mentions of rape (flash-back, non detailed). This is 127AD Britain and this isn't a chocolates and puppy dogs story.
Rating: NC17
Pairing: 100% William(Spike)/Alexander
Unbeta'd: All free range boo boos belong to me.
Author: Naughty_Fae
Status: Complete. 21 chapters + Epilogue. Approx,50,000 words. POSTED DAILY
Comments: Comment if you want to, though it would be nice to know someone is reading it.
Disclaimer: I own nothing except the original characters, everything else belongs to someone who is not me. I write for fun not profit.
Distribution: Historical_sx, links from my LJ, Eternal_Spander, Bloodclaim. NOT to be linked or archived without discussion please.
Pre-read and encouraged by Bmblbee. *Hugs*
Previous chapters HERE
Summary: This is the story of two men, Roman Master and his Brigante slave. The Roman embarks on a crusade to clear his family name and restore honor, the slave fights for his freedom. They move from mutual hatred to understanding, acceptance, friendship and love.
Chapter 19/21+ Epilogue