Rating: NC17
Pairing(s): Spike/Angel, Spike/Xander, Spike/Angel/Xander
Beta(s): Unbeta'd but proofread
Part: 5
Prompt(s):Outsiders @ angst_bingo & Prompt #279: Rabble-Rouser @ tamingthemuse
Notes: From a plot bunny provided by beccers4469 - not forgotten honey, just not willing to be written!
Disclaimer: Joss and Mutant own them - in this case, I'm just taking them in a direction Joss didn't think of....
Word Count: 2059
Summary: Sunnydale is gone; so is Wolfram & Hart. Angel has the visions and Spike helps the helpless. And what could be more helpless than a mouthy Scooby who doesn't talk and seems to no longer be himself...
Graphics: Banner by skargasm