Dusty (dustandroses) wrote in bloodclaim,

Fic: Never Stand Alone, Xander, Spike/Xander Preslash, PG13

Title: Never Stand Alone
Author: [info]dustandroses
Beta: [info]ozsaur, my hero and shit
Characters/Pairing: Xander, Giles, Spike, Spike/Xander Preslash
Rating: PG-13
Genre: Humor, Friendship Fic/Preslash
Warnings: It's Cute!
Summary: Xander had always heard that it was important to take a stand.  Unfortunately, he didn't realize until way too late that this time, the stand had taken him!
Spoilers: Vague Early Season Five References
Word Count: 5,011 words
Disclaimer: Don't own 'em - not making any money off 'em. Dern it.
Prompt Notes: Inspiration for this story taken from [info]tamingthemuse prompt # 286: Take A Stand.

Never Stand Alone


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