naughty_fae (naughty_fae) wrote in bloodclaim,

The Hooded Man

Title: The Hooded Man. (This is based loosely on the plot of the movie Prince of Thieves and legends and other movies of Robin Hood) Anything you recognize is from either the legends or one of the movies.
Warnings: HAU/Historical, Romantic, Adventure, stylized violence, bad language. Buffy characters are OOC. Very little but graphic M/M sex, some comedy, some angst.
Rating: NC17
Pairing: 100% William(Spike)/Xander
Unbeta'd: All free range boo boos belong to me.
Author: Naughty_Fae
Status: Complete 27 Chapters+ Epilogue. Posted Mon-Fri.
Comments: Comment if you want to, though it would be nice to know someone is reading it.
Disclaimer: I own nothing except the original characters, everything else belongs to someone who is not me. I write for fun not profit.
Distribution:NOT to be archived without discussion please.
Pre-read and encouraged by Bmblbee

Previous Chapters HERE

Summary: William Loxley returns home from the 3rd Crusade to find life not as he expected........

Chapter 4/27+ Epilogue

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