Warnings: HAU/Historical, Romantic, Adventure, stylized violence, bad language. Buffy characters are OOC. Very little but graphic M/M sex, some comedy, some angst.
Rating: NC17
Pairing: 100% William(Spike)/Xander
Unbeta'd: All free range boo boos belong to me.
Author: Naughty_Fae
Status: Complete 27 Chapters+ Epilogue. Posted Mon-Fri.
Comments: Comment if you want to, though it would be nice to know someone is reading it.
Disclaimer: I own nothing except the original characters, everything else belongs to someone who is not me. I write for fun not profit.
Distribution:NOT to be archived without discussion please.
Pre-read and encouraged by Bmblbee
Previous Chapters HERE
Summary: William Loxley returns home from the 3rd Crusade to find life not as he expected........
Chapter 4/27+ Epilogue