Wicked Writing Wench (perverted_pages) wrote in bloodclaim,
Wicked Writing Wench

Truth Denied 30/?

I hope people are still reading this. I wrote this while babysitting a seven year old and three year old, my apologies if it's a little choppy, the eldest was a self proclaimed ninja and kept sneaking out of bed or finding some reason that she couldn't sleep.....*Sigh*.

Title: Truth Denied 30/?
Pairings: Spander (eventually)
Appropriate Ratings: NC17 overall but this chapter... hard PG13
Warnings: Just a little death..... oh gawd, don't hate me
Disclaimers: Not my characters. I make no money off this, I'm just playing. I promise to give them a bath and thorough cleaning when I’m done! Joss Whedon is my lord and Master. All hail Joss Whedon.
Short Summary: About five years post NFA, Xander needs a job, like, NOW! And runs into someone he knows where he'd least expect it.
Word Count: 1771 (As per Word 2007 Word Count)
Beta: purpledodah and laazikaat
X-posted to: perverted_pages
Will Be X-Posted To: Full list on my LJ

Comments keep my muse well fed.

Find a topless, low pant riding Spike banner beneath the cut!

They got a call the next day, even the ringing of the phone sounded ominous.

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Next Chapter - Not Yet Completed

All parts found in tags and my memories

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