Title: Xandercles the Mighty: Chapter Eleven
Fandom: Buffy, the Vampire Slayer
Pairing: Spike/Xander preslash; eventual Spike/Xander
Rating: current chapter PG13
Genres: Adventure, Superhero Xander
Warnings: None
Summary: Spike and Xander go looking for Giles and the gang, and as usual, they find trouble instead.
Spoilers: Nothing past Season Four
Word Count: 991 words
Disclaimer: Don't own 'em - not making any money off 'em. Dern it.
Prompt Notes: Inspiration for this chapter taken from
Notes: It's a short chapter, but hopefully, you'll enjoy it!
Previous parts can be found at the Xandercles tag, in reverse order.
You may also find the previous chapters at the Archive of Our Own.
Chapter Eleven at my Live Journal
Chapter Eleven at AO3