Title: Into the Water
Fandom/Pairing: (BtVS) Spike/Xander
Chapter: 18/?
Rating: R - NC-17
Prompt: #14- Hard/Jealous @ kinda_gay fortnightly prompt, #01- music1959 or before & #22- Movies 2000-Now @ kinda_gay pop culture table, #03- writers choice, #11-silk 15- latex, #69- tease & #70- protection @ lover100 & #314- Subterfuge @ tamingthemuse
Warnings: HAU, M/M, Language. Mentions of drug use. Mentions of Xander/Anya (nothing explicit, just mentions. I promise), and mentions of Spike/Liam. And angst.
Summary: Spike Giles and Xander Harris are captains of the swim team. What will happen when they go to LA for a competition?
A/N: UNBETA’D but proof read. Yes, I know, its another High School fic. But I love them! Human!Spike is so much fun to write! *g* Previous chapters here.
Disclaimer: I don’t own the boys, no matter how much I beg and plead
( One hour would never be enough, Spike thought... )