Fandom: Buffy, the Vampire Slayer
Author: dustandroses
Betas: ozsaur and theladymerlin
Pairing: Spike/Xander preslash; eventual Spike/Xander
Rating: current chapter PG13
Genres: Adventure, Superhero Xander, Sliders
Warnings: None
Summary: Spike's still trying to process that moment between himself and Xander when they have a visitor who causes an uproar.
Spoilers: Through Season Four
Word Count: 2659 words
Disclaimer: Don't own 'em - not making any money off 'em. Dern it.
Prompt Notes: Inspiration for this chapter taken from tamingthemuse prompt #317: Booby Trap
Notes: The idea for this chapter came from ozsaur, who proved she was psychic by offering me this idea months before they gave us the prompt. Spooky...
Previous parts can be found at the Xandercles tag, in reverse order.
You can also find the previous chapters at the Archive of Our Own.
Read Chapter Twenty-Two at AO3
Read Chapter Twenty-Two at my LJ