forsaken2003 (forsaken2003) wrote in bloodclaim,

New Beginnings 3/25+Epilogue

Title: New Beginnings 3/25+Epilogue

Author: Forsaken2003

Pairing: Spike/Xander, Angel/Wesley

Rating: R

Disclaimer: I own none, all belong to Joss Whedon

Comments: Always welcomed!

Summary: Spike and Xander run from Sunnydale to LA

Warnings/Spoilers: Season 5 No Anya, Dawn or Glory.

Beta’d by: Unbeta’d

Bunny Plot by: Thephoenixandthedragon4ever: Spike and Xander run from Sunnydale to LA to for help from Angel, Wesley and Cordy.

(Angel/Wesley) Wesley with his motorcycle and leather pants.

Previous Parts Here:


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