Title: The Bargain part 28
Author: Katharina (immortal_kat)
Pairing: S/X
Rating: NC-17 or Explicit
Disclaimer: I do not own Buffy the Vampire Slayer. No money is made of this work. It's just for fun.
Comments: Always Welcome
Summary: Due to a mysterious agreement between the forces of evil and the Powers that Be Xander finds himself the property of one William the Bloody.
[ Spoiler (click to open)]Takes Place in Season 6 After Episode 18 Entropy. After that Alternate Universe. Very Dubious Consent, Sexual Slavery, BDSM, Various Kinks, Bond
Beta: I used to have a beta, but these days mostly just Grammarly
Note: This fix has been on hiatus for several years. Well some of it has been sitting on my hard drive for several years and I've decided to try and complete it or at the very least publish what currently exists.I am aiming for once a month or as I finidh each new chapter.
Fic s available on my livejournal or on AO3